This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, and submit payment.
Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.
To complete registration through our secure site, please have your payment (credit/debit card or bank account) information available.
Note - Our Program is open to Youth Boys that are Hillsborough Residents. We can make exceptions for boys in neighboring towns that do not have a lacrosse program and based on numerous factors including roster space that we have at that grade level. Please note that for all new (did not play 2024 season with us) non-Hillsborough NJ players participation requires board approval. You must reach out to for approval before proceeding with registration. Failure to complete this step may result in a declined (and refunded) registration.
We are excited to offer 2 programs to support the growth of boys youth lacrosse in Hillsborough and help us drive larger enrollment:
Any family that refers/recruits a new player to Hillsborough Youth Lacrosse in the 2025 season will have the work bond waived!!
How it works: New players must enter the name of the referring family when prompted during registration. After the registration window closes a confirmation email will be sent confirming completion of 2025 season volunteer hours. Work bond refunds will continue to be processed at one time at the end of the season.
All new players please email before completing your registration to receive a discount code that will provide you with a $100 discount for each player being registered.
1. We have updated our parent and player expectations. Please read these expectations in entirety before signing the waiver and completing registration.
2. If you are registering multiple children please email us before beginning the registration process for a discount code. This will ensure that each family is only charged one family work bond.
3. If you are from an adjoining town that does not have a team at your grade level you must reach out and obtain board approval before registering.
IMPORTANT NOTE: GRADE 1-2 Registration fees are again FREE and participation includes a free give away stick (while supplies last)!! To participate in the 2025 spring season, grade 1-2 players need a USA lacrosse number ($35), and a fully refundable $200 work bond. Hillsborough Youth Lacrosse provides loaner helmets and shoulder pads. Parents are responsible for gloves, elbow pads.
You must register first with USA Lacrosse and then return to this Registration Session to signup. If you have not already signed up with USA Lacrosse, please follow these steps:
Registration saver is optional and is offered by a third party via SportsEngine. Hillsborough Youth Lacrosse can offer a direct full refund (excluding processing fees that go to a third party) if a decision to cancel is made before practices begin, but we cannot honor refund requests after this point.
Select an option to continue with the registration.